Three Big Things
"Great people are those who can make others feel that they, too, can become great." -Mark Twain As I sit here on Friday afternoon reflecting on the past week, there are three big things that stand out in my mind. The first is the most obvious. In the wake of another tragic act of violence at a school in Florida, we had concerns of our own addressed here in our school community. Fortunately, our concerns were comparatively minor and easily addressed, but it does lead me to think of the second big thing that stands out from this week. Yesterday, Mark Waelde (hat tip) sent the video I've included below to our administrative team with the comment that he only sees the second half of the video here in our schools and commended our staff for making this a great place for kids. I echo his sentiment. I commented back to him that the first part of the video seemed really awkward and foreign to me, which I guess is a pretty good sign that I don't see that behavior ...