Accentuate the Positives
"Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don't give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people." -Tena Desae I know we have spent a lot of time this year discussing our challenges and how to adapt and overcome them. This has absolutely been a tough year of adjustments, but I want us to go into this final week focusing on all of the positives we can take away from this year. For one thing, in spite of the challenges, I have had several parents of 5th and 6th graders tell me that their student has loved middle school this year. That speaks to the positive environment you have all managed to maintain in spite of your frustrations. You have worked hard and not given up on our students, and it shows. We have been able to have frank discussions about where we can improve, and I include myself in that statement more than anyone. There are always going to be challenges in life, but the measure of character is how w...