We Are A Team
Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. -Mattie Stepanek I will have teacher pages pop up on my Facebook feed from time to time. They are always links to articles about topics related to education and being a teacher. Sometimes the articles are really good. Other times, not so much. What I find most interesting, though, are the comments. They almost always reflect the worst possible version of a toxic teacher's lounge. I scroll and scroll trying to find someone saying something positive, but it just isn't there, at least not nearly strong enough or frequently enough to drown out all of the negative, and I can't help but feel sadness for our profession. I wonder what kind of interactions these teachers are having with students and parents when they carry so much animosity about their career. The most recent article that I came across was from a new principal sharing all of the things she has learned since b...