What Is Normal Now?
"Normal is nothing more than a cycle on a washing machine." -Whoopi Goldberg For my money, Whoopi Goldberg was at her best in Sister Act , but that's neither here nor there. As we sit here around a year from the first time any of us had any idea what a Covid was or that 19 of them were particularly bad, I think Whoopi's quote is worth contemplating. A week ago, we found out that sports seasons we had all but given up on having are immediately re-instated. Vaccines are rolling out in greater numbers, and we have all had the opportunity to put our name on the list to receive the vaccination we spent much of the last year anticipating as the way out of all this not-normal, but I find myself wondering how much of this not-normal is going to be normal going forward? Maybe some of this not-normal is actually really good. I've already had teachers tell me they never want to go back to making hundreds or thousands of copies per week. Pushing everything onto the iPads w...