
Showing posts from May, 2021

Happy Summer

" Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful." ~Margaret J. Wheatley I haven't written a new blog post in quite awhile. I tend to do most of my writing from a place of reflection, often as a way of preparing for the future. Writing about things "in real time" is not something I've ever found to be very helpful, and of all the things the past year has been, it has certainly been "in real time". Instead of writing new material, I found it helpful to look back at some of my old blog posts to see what was on my mind or impacting our building during similar points in the school year before any of us had ever heard of Covid-19, and it was somewhat comforting to see that in many cases, it was the same types of things, just on a different scale and within a different context.  I think that with everything feeling so foreign for so much of the last 14 months, I wanted to be rem...