Attitude of Gratitude

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend."
-Melody Beattie

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday this week, like many people, I find myself taking stock of the blessings in my life. I have a healthy, happy family who sometimes listens to what I have to say. My wife and I are both employed in the fields we chose as our professions. While the road to recovery is still stretched out before us, we are confident my father is winning his battle with cancer. The list of personal gratitude could go on and on. 

These are important things to think about this time of year, but I also think that simply being aware and acknowledging what we are thankful for falls short of what we can accomplish with a gracious attitude in everything we do. Where better than education to look for ways to turn "denial to acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity"? There is no doubt that we have many challenges ahead, but I urge all of you to make an effort to look at these challenges as opportunities for growth and to be thankful for them. Some of the greatest innovations in history have been achieved by people who are under stress to solve a critical problem. How fortunate we are to be in this position! Okay, that may have been slightly sarcastic.

Anyway, it is nice to be thankful, but it is also super nice to know that others are thankful for you. I hope it is abundantly clear that I am beyond grateful to have such an amazing staff to work with every day, but I am not the person whose gratitude would likely mean the most to you. I urge all of you to take a little time in class this week to have your students write a quick Thank You note to an adult in our school who has helped them this year. Collect them and distribute them in mailboxes. If you need help getting them distributed, let me know. 


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