It's All in the Grind

"Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way."
-Booker T. Washington

Over the last week, I spent a lot of time in a hospital. During this time, I had the opportunity to watch people in a profession other than my own go about their business. Fortunately for my father, these people were excellent at what they do. In fact, they are to excellent that the procedure done on my father can only be accomplished in two hospitals in the state-- talk about doing something in an uncommon way. More than once during the eight days we spent at the hospital, this team of surgeons were in the operating room well past midnight, and every time, they were right back at work the next day seeing patients. That is what excellence looks like. Excellence doesn't hit cruise control or take the morning off after a tough day. Excellence is a grind. It is exhausting. That is why so few people are excellent.

I believe our staff at Sullivan Middle School is excellent. I think that our teachers do things for kids that teachers in other buildings just don't do. I see it every day. I am so proud to work with such dedicated educators. 

In what seems like the blink of an eye, we find ourselves in November. As I write this, we have fewer than 30 days left with our students in the classroom before the semester ends. This is where the grind sets in. I know that many of you are getting tired. The weather is changing, the days seem shorter, and it starts to feel like there is more to do than there is time in which to do it. This is where it becomes very tempting to hit "cruise", but I want to take this time to encourage you. I want you to remember that you are not common. You are extraordinary. Our team is extraordinary, and our students are lucky beyond their wildest dreams to be in your classrooms. The challenges aren't going away, but I want you to have the mindset that those challenges are right now thinking "Those teachers at SMS aren't going away." We are bigger and stronger and more determined than any challenge we face. We have 30 days left. I think we can do more in 30 days than most schools do in an entire semester, so keep your heads up and your focus sharp because you are doing incredible work.


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