Spring Forward to Break

"Time moves slowly but passes quickly."
-Alice Walker

Perhaps there is no better time than this past week to point out how complicated human beings can be. In the same week that we are grumbling about how hard it is to adjust to jumping forward one hour, I know most of us are quietly-- or not so quietly-- wishing we could just set our clocks forward one full week to get to spring break. Either way, it will be here before we know it, and like always, it will be over even quicker than that. There is no doubt that time will continue to fly over the final weeks of school, and I know all of you are going to be feeling the pressure of making sure we have our students as prepared as possible for next year, but don't stress too much. You've all had a great year, and our students are making great progress toward our goals for them. Keep up the good work. We have just one short week before we get a little rest to help us get through the final sprint of this school year.


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