Call Me Crazy

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."
-Albert Einstein

As I sit in my office on what is turning out to be the nicest day of spring so far, I am fighting the impulse to spend the afternoon observing the PE classes that are enjoying the weather over at the park. I'm probably not alone. I walked the building earlier today, and while there was real, quality teaching and learning happening in every classroom, the windows were all open, and I could tell that everyone, students and teachers alike, would rather be outside.

So, now I have a crazy idea. What if we had a day where we literally held every class outside? We wouldn't even bring the kids in for passing periods. We would plan our lessons to use minimal materials. Teachers would have a designated "classroom" in the park where we could transport some boxes of whatever materials you would need (textbooks, etc). Kids would bring iPads, and we would run our entire day outside. Of course, the parks would have to help us out by having the bathrooms unlocked, but I think it could be very cool. 

I'm not saying we would have to do it this year, though I'm up for the challenge if you are. I just wanted to throw it out there as an idea for something that could help energize everyone for the last few weeks of school. I mean, if Einstein thinks nature helps you learn, who am I to disagree? I've been told on more than one occasion that I'm "no Einstein."


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