
"The secret of joy in work is contained in one word-- excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it."
-Pearl S. Buck

As many of you know, I have been conducting interviews for our open teaching positions over the last few weeks, and it is both a very exciting and very stressful process. On the one hand, it is exciting to think about the fact that I may be meeting a teacher who goes on to spend three decades leaving a lasting legacy on Sullivan Middle School. I mean really, who hasn't looked at some great person with a tremendous career and wondered what it would have been like to meet them at the beginning, before they were a legend? Just me? Ok, but I do it anyway, so there is part of me that really enjoys the interview process because every candidate who walks through the door could be that future SMS teaching legend, and they don't even know it about themselves yet. 

The other side of me finds the process very stressful because I know the hiring decision I make could either increase or decrease the overall effectiveness of our faculty. I could either be adding someone who makes us better or worse as a whole, and I put a tremendous amount of pressure on myself to get the decision right. This really struck me as more than one candidate has given me the opportunity to speak about our existing faculty, and I find that I just can't speak highly enough of our team here at SMS, but the one thing that I do find myself emphasizing to them the most is that we have a group of teachers who truly enjoy coming to work with each other each and every day. I don't know if you are happy at work because you are excellent or excellent because you are happy, but either way, it is an honor to be a part of it, and I sincerely hope that when we look at our new teachers at this time next year, that I have made decisions to add to that excellence because you all deserve that from me.

Free high fives to anyone who comments with their favorite thing about SMS.


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