Chapter 1 (for me)

"The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals."
-Melody Beattie

Here we are at the end of my first year as the principal of Sullivan Middle School, and it seems impossible that the entire year has passed so quickly. It seems like only yesterday you all were saving my bacon by making our tropical-themed opening day run smoothly and on-time in spite of my best efforts to screw it up by starting late and unorganized. From my point-of-view, that is how most of the year went. No matter what was thrown at this faculty and staff, you found a way to work together and figure out how to keep things moving smoothly for our students. I hope someday they are able to appreciate how amazing their middle school years were because of how dedicated and passionate their teachers were every step of the way. 

As much as I enjoyed every day of my first year, I know that the closing of this chapter means it is time to get ready for the next chapter, and I am even more excited for the first day of the 18-19 school year than I am for the final day of the 17-18 school year (I know none of you are there yet, but give it time...). We have so many exciting changes coming next year. I know there has been apprehension and there are still unanswered questions, but I have never been more confident in the team we have in place to navigate this next chapter. With every challenge, we will have a multitude of new opportunities. 

Our faculty will grow with six new teachers joining our team. Three are familiar faces from across the parking lot, and I know they will bring a new energy and fresh perspective to our SMS family. The other three are new faces, and they also bring a wealth of experience that will help make us even stronger. Perhaps most importantly, our enrollment will grow, which is going to give us greater opportunities to reach even more students and empower them to reach their fullest potential. 

I truly believe that Sullivan Middle School is the cream of the crop of middle schools in our area. I can feel a positive energy when I walk our halls, and even our most challenging students understand that we are looking out for their best interest even when they don't like it.

I will close by saying "Thank you" for an unforgettable first year. I look forward to many, many more. Have a great summer, and don't be afraid to stop by to visit. I'll be around most of the summer and will certainly welcome the chance to chat about your plans for the new year. 


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