Never Enough

"Of all the hard jobs around, one of the hardest is being a good teacher."
-Maggie Gallagher

This quote is absolutely true. I don't know about all of you, but I've had a lot of jobs. I didn't become a teacher until my mid-20's, so I had to fill some time working in a factory, being an elementary custodian, detailing cars, detailing tractors and combines, and even doing a tour in combat. None of those experiences challenged me in the way being a teacher did. People in other careers talk about leaving things at work, but teachers don't get that luxury. When you are not literally taking your work home with you, you are carrying the burden of worry about your students who are going home to an empty house or a house that would perhaps be better if it were empty, who are taking care of siblings far more than they should be, who are worrying about where dinner is going to come from or if it will come at all, who are struggling to keep up and you can't figure out how to help them. 

The burdens of this job are many, and the rewards sometimes seem non-existent. You are criticized by people who have never stood in your shoes nor ever visited your classroom, yet they believe they know how you should be doing your job. You are bombarded with mandates by legislatures who never step foot in our schools, but they use your pension as a political football. There is no wonder we face a nationwide teacher shortage. Many teacher encourage their children NOT to enter the career, and I think that is a real shame because in spite of all the obstacles, there is no job on Earth like being a teacher.

How many jobs allow you make a lasting impact on hundreds if not thousands of lives? How many jobs allow you to build the kinds of relationships you build in your classrooms? It is frustrating at times, but I promise that for every frustrating day, there will be a payoff. In a few short weeks, we will line the halls and cheer for the SHS Class of 2018 as they walk these halls for the very last time. They will be in their caps and gowns and it will be because you helped them get there. You own a piece of whatever success they have in life when they leave this building. Your fingerprints will be on every award and accolade they achieve. Every day you walk into this building and touch the lives of our students, you are building a legacy that will last longer than you can imagine, and that is pretty awesome.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week-- I hope you enjoy what we have in store for you, but I also know that nothing we can do for you will ever be enough to truly thank you for the amazing work you do for our kids.


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