Growing Pains

"You take the good. You take the bad. You take them both, and there you have the facts of life."
~Gloria Loring

With so much going on as we kick off the 18-19 school year, it was hard for me to come up with a single theme for my first Weekly Message of the school year. I used the title of one 80's TV show for a title and the lyrics from the theme song of another 80's theme song as the quote of the week, and I have the lyrics from an REO Speedwagon song from the late 70's stuck in my head ("Roll With the Changes" for those playing along). Like the thoughts running through my head, this week was a little all over the place, but to be honest, it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. I'll go ahead and say it now that I know everything is going to be ok.... I spent most of the summer terrified that I would not have this building as prepared as we needed to be for all this year had in store for us, but I was forgetting one amazing detail-- ALL OF YOU!

This faculty and staff came in here and did exactly what you have proven you can do in the face of every challenge that comes your way-- you absolutely crushed it! I seriously cannot even believe how well you all "rolled with the changes" and almost entirely eliminated any "growing pains" we may have had. I don't know what I did to get so lucky to be able to work with all of you, but I sure am glad I (no doubt accidentally) did it.

With all of that said, I'm also very much aware that not every change we have this year is on everyone's list of favorite things. I get it. Change isn't always fun, but it is sometimes necessary, and not all positive changes are without collateral damage. In order to have the positive impact of students getting a double-dose of Math, all of our other classes lost precious minutes. In order to make space for recess for our youngest students, we had to combine music and PE, which created some new obstacles and headaches, but as the song goes, "You take the good. You take the bad." It truly is a fact of life that everything is a trade off. Is the juice worth the squeeze? I'm thrilled about the changes we have in store this year because I think that every single one of them results in a net positive for our students, and I know that our faculty and staff will adapt and overcome as we work through the finer details of delivering a quality education to each one of our students. 

The best thing about this faculty is the approach you all take to these challenges. Instead of focusing on why something will not work, you all embrace the challenge of figuring out a way to make it work. The world is full of problem identifiers, so it is refreshing for me to work in a building full of problem solvers. The world needs more of what you all do here at SMS, and I grateful to be a part of it. 

Here's to another great week!


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