
"Empathy is the starting point for creating a community and taking action. It's teh impetus for creating change."
-Max Carver

This week we will take an entire day off from regular classes to help our students understand empathy. I chose to start the day by having them watch the movie Wonder because I think that our students will genuinely empathize with the character of Auggie. I don't think this is just a miracle of movie magic taking hold of them. I truly believe a student like Auggie would be welcomed almost universally in our school. I have watched students in this district be highly supportive and encouraging of peers that they can clearly see have challenges beyond their control. However, my hope is that by engaging them in conversations about the other, less visible challenges of being an adolescent, they will begin to see that everyone needs that kind of support and encouragement. I am hoping that we will empower them to show empathy toward one another and also give them a chance to see that everyone has challenges, no matter how great their life may appear to be on the surface. 


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