High Fives for Days

"Give people high fives just for getting out of bed. Being a person is hard sometimes."
-Kid President

I don't know what it is about short weeks, but they sure can seem long sometimes. Last week was a struggle for me because I wasn't physically able to do everything I wanted to do. I was relying heavily on pain killers and muscle relaxers just to get dressed and get myself to work. The entire week was a struggle for me. When Friday afternoon rolled around, I could sense that for different reasons, many of you were on the struggle bus with me. It was a short week. It should've been easy, but there we were, grinding through the last few minutes of the work week like shell shocked survivors of a natural disaster, so I decided to go around and give everyone a high five. 

I don't know why, but it just seemed like everyone could use a high five. I get lots of them throughout the day. For some reason, middle school kids like to give the principal a high five, and once that hand is up, every kid within 200 yards has to join in. I like it. No matter how stressed I am, 37 high fives cheer me up, so I thought I'd go give all of you one.

As I walked into classrooms, almost every teacher looked at me like, "Oh crap. What is he going to ask me to do now? I was almost out the door!" When I walked up and put my hand up and just said "Good week! You deserve a high five. Have a great weekend," every single teacher smiled and relaxed a little bit. It was a simple gesture, but I walked out of the building feeling pretty good having connected with (almost) all of you in a positive way. 

One student who witnessed this said she didn't know teachers high-fived each other. She had never seen anything like it. We are #OneTribe. That means we all support each other. I promise that I do my best to make your lives at work as good as they can be, but the simple fact of the matter is that ours is a stressful and demanding job when done well, and you all do it tremendously well. I can't make it stressfree and easy without watering down what we deliver to students, but I can encourage you and cheer you on as you do it. I can assure you that your efforts are appreciated, but even in that, I am only one man. Pick each other up. We are a team. Give each other high fives. Get a few of you together and get a little breakdown before class starts: "Teach on Three. 1, 2, 3 TEACH!" We are a team. The more we act like a team, the more fun we will have hashtag winning.


  1. Kudos to our staff because I feel like we do an AWESOME job of encouraging each other and helping each other out! We've done this for years and it makes a huge difference when you come to work with people you enjoy working with and who become friends.

    1. I agree, but I think that it often happens out of sight of students. Feel free to celebrate each other right out in the hallway. Let them see that we have fun working together.


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