Time Well Spent

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” 
― John Bunyan

Let me start by thanking all of you for your willingness to do things like service day. It very simply does not happen without your willingness to do so. As I made my way around to visit as many of our groups as possible today, I couldn't help be energized by how much energy I saw our kids putting into their various tasks. Some people may look at a day like today and believe we wasted a day with no learning, but I would contend that our students learned a great deal through today's activities. 

They learned the meaning of #OneTribe. They learned that even at 10-14 years old, they are an important part of their community, and they can make a positive impact on the world around them. They learned that many hands can truly make light work. The students out at the lake learned that when you leave trash behind, someone has to clean it up, and they learned that sometimes that someone might be them. After lunch, I had three students stay behind to pick up trash in the Commons. Nobody asked them to, and frankly, they were halfway done by the time I even noticed what they were doing. 

Experiences like today teach us things about who we are and our place in the world. By taking a break to let our student experience that kind of learning, I think we are turning them into young people that are going to be a whole lot easier to teach about the other things we want them to learn. Enjoy your weekend.


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