
"Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing."
-Abraham Lincoln

I feel like the issue of character and reputation has been on my mind a lot lately and for a lot of different reasons. Obviously the main focus of teaching is to guide students to mastery of our respective subjects, but so often we find out that in order to unlock the full potential of a child, we need to also guide the growth of their character. Academic mastery requires so many character traits: ambition and perseverance to name a couple. Maintaining a positive learning environment requires even more: respect, empathy, and many others. 

I feel like our building is facing a bit of a crisis point in the area of building character. We are being challenged in a way we have not been challenged before, and I am incredibly grateful for the initiative I have seen from our staff to address it. I have no doubt we will find the solutions we are seeking.

On an even larger scale, I have been thinking about the shadow that we cast on our community. My hope is that we are seen as a blessing for our community. It is impossible to make everyone happy all of the time, but I am proud to hear people praise the work you all do. I know that I see it, but it is amazing to hear it from the parents of the students you are teaching. On Friday, I had a mother tell me that her daughter was distraught at the slightest idea of leaving Sullivan because she just knew that she would never get the kind of support she receives here anywhere else. Even though the context of this conversation was incredibly sad, it did make me swell with pride to hear one of our students express that kind of appreciation.

It is a tough job. I would never claim that it is easy, but holy cow, it is worth it.


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