Get To

 "I decided to fly through the air and live in the sunlight and enjoy life as much as I could."

-Evel Knievel

I'm not sure if I should be extremely embarrassed or extraordinarily proud that I am using a quote from Evel Kneivel to introduce my message this week. I'm going to go with proud and see how it turns out. The esteemed Mr. Kneivel certainly seemed to be a living testament to the idea that if you love you do, you'll never work a day in your life. I'm not sure that I completely agree with that sentiment. I believe that no matter how much you love what you do, there are going to be elements of the job that are not enjoyable, and there will be days, months, even years when it certainly feels like work. I can't imagine Evel Knievel never had a day where working out the logistics of some stunt didn't seem a little tedious. It doesn't take long to jump a motorcycle over 25 busses filled with flaming sharks or whatever. The majority of his time was likely spent doing far more mundane tasks which led up to the big, death-defying stunts.

 Too often, people leave careers for which they are extremely well suited because they have taken this wisdom to heart, and when they realize going to work feels like work, they allow themselves to believe they must not really love what they do, or perhaps they simply aren't cut out for it. I hate that this happens to people because I think it is avoidable. I was listening to MLB Network a few days ago, and they were interviewing a pro baseball scout, and he mentioned that a mentor of his said there are jobs we have to do and jobs we get to do, and always reminded the young scouts that theirs was a job they get to do. 

I like this sentiment infinitely better than the one about never working a day in your life because it is more realistic. It takes into account that no matter how amazing the job, there are going to be times when it feels like work that you simply don't want to do. It recognizes a certain perspective that our modern world seems to sometimes forget. 

There are days that I don't love everything that needs to be done by me. I don't love dealing with student discipline issues. I don't love having difficult conversations with students, parents, staff members, etc., but at the end of the day, I don't have to be the principal of Sullivan Middle School. I could go back to being a teacher, or go work in construction, or wait tables, or drive a truck. There are a million things I could do to earn a living, but I would only be doing them to earn a living; they would be jobs I have to do. I consider being the principal of Sullivan Middle School an amazing privilege. Even when the days are tough and the decisions impossible, this is truly a job I get to do. I hope you all feel the same.

As an added bonus to my loyal readers, I will cover one day of morning supervision for the first three staff members to email me their favorite thing about working at Sullivan Middle School.

EDIT: For the second week of this post, I will open this up to three new staff members (last week's winners are not eligible), so once again, send me an email with your favorite thing about working at Sullivan Middle School, and I will cover one day of morning supervision for you.


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