Gold Star Ride

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." 
— General George S. Patton, Jr.

In education, we often use gold stars to signify a job well done. This week, we get the opportunity to teach our students about a different way in which gold stars are used. The 2nd Annual Gold Star Ride will be passing in front our building on Wednesday at approximately 11:15 am. While this timing is not ideal, I believe it is an opportunity we cannot pass up, so this Wednesday, we will walk our classes out to main street in front of our building and encourage the veterans and active duty soldiers who are completing a 5 day, 500 mile endurance ride to honor and preserve the legacy of Illinois service members who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. These men and women will be stopping at the American Legion hall for lunch on the first day of their trip, which will begin and end in Springfield, with the final leg coinciding with Gold Star Family Day. For those who may not know, families of service members display banners on their homes with blue stars to signify each member of the family currently serving. When a service member is killed in action, the star is changed to gold. I am blessed to have known a couple of men who gave their lives in this way, and I know that their memory lives on with their families and friends. Wednesday will be a day to remind all of us that our freedoms are not free, and in the words of General Patton, "thank God that such men [and women] lived."

Feel free to take some time on Monday or Tuesday to make some positive signs with your students that they can hold as the riders pass. We will dismiss directly to lunch, and I will keep students in the gym long enough to give you your full lunch after we vacate the Commons to make room for the high school students on their lunch. This will cut 5th period a little short, but that is small sacrifice compared to the sacrifices we will be honoring. 5th and 6th grade will all go to recess together due to the shortened period, so RtI teachers would be greatly appreciated at the park to help with supervision.


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